This article will cover how to edit a workspace PDF before printing. If you would like to learn more about our workspace PDF export feature, check out this article!
Vertical workspaces will now print in portrait mode and horizontal workspaces will now print landscape mode. They will print to fit the page. Continue reading if you would like to print a zoomed in version or tailor the print results.
First, we recommend downloading Adobe Acrobat, you can download a free version here. (Note: If you are using a different PDF user, these steps may not apply.)
Once you have downloaded your workspace PDF, open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat. You can go into "View and Zoom", there are several options there that allow you to zoom into the document.
Once you are ready to print, go to "Print", and under the "Pages to Print" section, click "Current View".
Check out this step by step beginning at the 3:00 minute mark!