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Managing Workspaces

Learn how to create, view, edit and delete workspaces, and how to choose a workspace template

Jennifer Jacobs avatar
Written by Jennifer Jacobs
Updated over a week ago

A single case can have multiple "Workspaces". Think of workspaces like blank scratch pads. You can have one workspace for the paternal side of the family, and another for the maternal side. There are no limits to the number of workspaces, and you can name the workspaces as you see fit. You can edit workspace names, delete workspaces, and copy content between work spaces.

Create a New Workspace

  • Open a case and click on the "Connections" tab

  • Click the dropdown arrow in the white box in the upper left

  • Select "Add Workspace"

  • We offer templates that you can continue to edit and tailor to your needs. You can also choose an existing workspace to copy (these are at the bottom of the templates list under "Existing Workspaces.")

  • The workspace name defaults to the name of the template, but you can change this to anything you like.

  • Click "Create New Workspace" in the bottom right of the window.

  • You may now edit your new workspace

View a Different Workspace

  • Open a case and view the "Connections" screen

  • Click the drop down in the Workspaces list, upper left of your screen.

  • Choose the workspace you'd like to view

Edit a Workspace Name

  • Open a case and view the "Connections" screen

  • Chose the workspace name you'd like to edit from the drop down in the Workspaces list, upper left

  • Click the word "edit" next to the Workspace name

  • Provide a new name

  • Click Save

Delete a Workspace

  • Caution: Deleting a workspace is a permanent action, and can not be recovered

    • Note: You are simply deleting the workspace and the people within that workspace will remain in the case

    Chose the workspace name you'd like to edit from the drop down in the Workspaces list, upper left

  • Click the word "edit" next to the Workspace name

  • Click the delete button

  • Confirm the deletion in the popup window


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