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CASA Second Social Media Outreach Template

A template for a follow-up outreach over social media if the initial outreach efforts have not succeeded

Karen Coates avatar
Written by Karen Coates
Updated over a week ago

*This outreach is to serve as an example only. All information provided and connections contacted must be approved by the custodial agency.

Second Social Media Outreach

Hello (potential connection’s name),

My name is (insert your name) and I work as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) at (agency name). I am following up regarding my last message from (date). I am reaching out to you as I work with (youth’s name) as their CASA. I believe you might know (youth’s name) and/or might know their parents (insert parents name). Part of my job as a CASA is to reach out to (youth’s name)’s extended family and expand their permanent connections/supports. I would love to connect with you to see if/how you know (youth’s name) and/or their parents. Connections matter. Connections are key to helping our most vulnerable youth become more resilient, start healing, and continue growing to their full potential. Please feel free to respond to me here, or reach out to me by email at (insert email) or call/text me at (insert phone number). I look forward to connecting with you soon!

To learn more about CASAs and my agency please go to (insert agency website).


(Insert your name)

(Professional title)

(Contact information)

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