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Activity Report

What is an Activity Report and where can I find it?

Karen Coates avatar
Written by Karen Coates
Updated over a week ago

The Family Connections tool has various reporting capabilities and one of those is the Activity Report. Navigate to the Reports tab and then click on Activity.

The Activity report will show you engagement activity by team member and by cases. The left side show Team Members and their respective activity. Please note, if you have a case manager permission or lower, you will only see case activity for yourself and if you have case editor permission or above you will see case activity for yourself and the rest of your team.

Now let's get to filtering what you want to see!

You can filter by selecting a specific date range, select specific team members, select certain cases, select the case engagement activity, and select the case status. You can also sort the information you see by highest activity to lowest activity.


You can download the activity report anytime by clicking on the blue Export to CSV button on the top right of the page.

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